Tuesday, April 25, 2006

well that's nice...

ok, to keep it short:
since saturday my throat started to hurt and I started feeling a bit sick. This morning I went to see the doctor and he told me I have laryngitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx; characterized by hoarseness or loss of voice and coughing). Well that's nice... I cannot play saxophone because it hurts and it's the same way with singing or practicing for solfege. Next to that I feel sick and have headaches and a little bit of fever.

That sucks!! Not the fact that I'm sick, I mean; that can happen. But the fact that I want to practice for my audition and I just can't do that now. grrr... Another stupid thing now is that my boyfriend has got it too (hehe.. :P), how romantic NOT.

Well, I'm still happy I've got God (really? yes really). He's my strength and hope and even though this situation isn't thát dramatic, I'm glad I can put my faith in Him that everything will bealrightt, when it comes to my health or when it comes to my auditions. I know that if it's really a good step for me to start with the study I want to do, God will help me in that. He is the only one who really knows what's good for me and I put my trust in that. I know what I want to do and I think to know what is good for me, but the only one who has got all the answers is my Father.
Upuntill now, my decision to prepare for the auditions has given me peace and whether I'm supposed to become a music teacher or not, I truly believe that all this is a good learning process for me.

I love you all.
x eefje

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