Sunday, December 11, 2005

The song of my heart

I didn't really know what to write although I felt like writing something.
BUT... then I thought about one of the most amazing gifts God gave us: MUSIC.

For the ones who've seen it, I always have to laugh about this sketch from SNL, where someone who's imitating Bjork makes a lot of weird noises and says: "Everything is musical!" It's pretty interesting why some people find certain sounds sound beautiful, while other's find it rather irritating. Music can be defined and used in different ways. You can listen to music when you're trying to get some rest or you can put some music on to get more energy. You can sing about your feelings, another person's feelings, you can sing to protest or to praise.

The point is: what's the role of music in your life? Do you only know the use of music in a way that it will give you and other people pleasure, or do you also see the most important way to use music? God gave us music to enjoy it, but most of all: to exalt, praise and worship Him, the King of Kings, the One who gave us that music! Listening to music can be nice, when it's a good song and played by good artists, but to me (and God!) the attitude of the hearts of those musicians is so much more important...

Ephesians 5:15-21 say that it's a part of your walk in wisdom and being filled with the spirit. I love this sentence: "(...) making music to the Lord in your hearts." Wow. It's so beautiful... I can make music to God in my heart. And because He is in my heart He will be my music. "(...) try to understand what the Lord wants you to do." Part of that is using music as something to praise Him with, to thank Him with, to get your focus on Him.

Music with a purpose. That's so important. And the purpose is Jesus... He died for me, I live for Him. I want to honor Him with everything I do, so music is a big part of that too. That doesn't mean I can only make or listen to music about God. It can be a song about how beautiful life is or how difficult, it can be a song about the love of my life or about my family. But I long to be focused on God every single second. Every note I play, every song I hear.

Thank You God for Your music!
You are the song of my heart.

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