Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Wait for Him

Well, it all turned out just fine (of course, God is with me!).

I planned on studying whole Sunday afternoon and evening and Monday morning, but... that didn't really happen. The sermon on Sunday was about our basic attitude in the midst of stress and fear (how useful!).

The verse my pastor used was Isaiah 30:15

The Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says,
"Only in returning to me and waiting for me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength (...)"

Well, I felt like I needed to be saved and I needed more strength in that situation, hehe! Something else that came through very clear: "God waits till you start waiting".

I prayed that I would be able to have confidence in God and just waiting for Him. My Sunday and Monday morning turned out to be completely useless when it comes to studying! God just gave me the peace I needed to focus more on Him and just forgetting about that exam a bit. It was great. On Monday I wasn't nervous for my exam at all and I was just bouncing through the house because God gave me so much joy I didn't care about the exam anymore!

It was a really difficult exam, but the questions I didn't know I could not possibly have known when I had studied a bit more on Sunday and Monday. From the 20 questions I had 10 wrong answers, but I can still get my grade a bit higher with my next exam, so that's great!

Wise lesson (:P) :
Sometimes you're sooo busy and you're like "I first want to finish this or that and then I will have time to come to God and pray." The fact is: you can do your work, your homework, or anything else you need to do so much better when you first seek God's face and God's peace. God will bless you in the things you do if you put your focus on Him and trust Him in leading you. Putting God on number one also means seeking God first.

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